The Secret Weapon to Improve Your Golf Game

Frustrated by your golf game lately? Feel like your progress is stalled or inconsistent? If you cannot seem to figure out how to hit the ball consistently, man, do we have some good news for you!
The key to a consistent drive… is to always swing to the same height!
So many golfers miss this one little fact. They push their tee into the ground, and maybe some attempt to make that the same height every time, but most end up with an inconsistent starting point each time they step up to swing the club.
With Twisted Golf Tees, not only is your tee durable and easy to use, but you can place the ball at the same height, every single time! Golfers everywhere are AMAZED by how consistently they hit the ball after switching to Twisted Golf Tees.
Durable & Long Lasting
And 100% Made In the USA!
We're kind of control freaks… Yup. I said it. We want to be able to hound the factory into making every tee the way we want them to be made. Let’s be real, it’s easier to do that here than from thousands of miles away. …Oh yeah, and it’s good for our economy! Woohoo. Yay, America!
These patented tees are made with proprietary plastic and were created with enough strength to penetrate hard dirt while also staying flexible enough to give during the roughest of strikes. In other words, these babies are built to last! We build our twisted buddies to have a maximum lifetime but we did, sadly, forget to create them with tracking devices… So, watch your sneaky golfing friends. Our Twisted Golf Tees do get swiped from time to time!

Vickie W.
It's gotta be the TEES!!! As a new golfer, I struggle to hit the ball with any consistency. There was a noticeable improvement when I tried Twisted Golf Tees.

Diane D.
I love the height control when teeing off. Plus the stem is much more stable than traditional tees.

Dottie M.
My golf game has never been better! Thanks to twisted golf tees! Allows for perfect height for a perfect drive!
Imagine Having Your Best Game Ever!

Listen… I’m not saying were magicians… But Dumbeldore and I have never been seen in the same room together…
Just saying…
Kidding, but really, these little tees have been the saving grace for a lot of frustrated golfers. We are passionate about helping golfers everywhere improve their game and we are delighted and proud to say these tough, little twisted fellas are doing the trick!
Grab a set of Twisted Golf Tees and start tracking your improvement. You won’t regret it!